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24 June, 2015
Author: Roman Mongin
Australia: Syd-lapses

Host of the 2000 Olympics, Sydney is one of the most modern and pleasant cities on the planet and where the importance of the sea in Australian life is evident even in a megalopolis of 5 million inhabitants. Only in a few cities in the world will visitors find a similar proportion of sailboats, swimmers and surfers. Featured as one of the most multicultural cities in the world, it has become the main destination for immigrants to Australia. Sydney is Australia's most expensive city, ranked 15th worldwide and leads the top 10 cities with the best quality of life worldwide.

About Bordeaux

Bordeaux, the port city known as “Port de la Lune” located in south-west France on the Garonne River, is one of ...

Attractions and things to do in France

Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower Known as one of the most visited and photographed tourist attractions in the ...

Events and Festivals in Spain

Bullfighting Season The Bullfighting Season, one of the most awaited major events in Spain, runs from the beginnings ...