About the USA

We all know and love the United States of America (USA) for its abundance in, well, everything. Everything in the USA, also designated simply as the US or America, is big from big states to big cities, big buildings to big shots and big names in Hollywood. It's a fashion-forward nation and not only that; it is a self-acclaimed leader in innovation, technology and forward-thinking. Pride of being an American is also something we are all aware of. In fact, it's everywhere due to social media. Americans make movies about it, they sing about it, they write about it and well, we just love to watch it, hear it and read about it! That's why millions of people put travelling to America at the top of their dream holiday list.
America comprises 50 states, 48 connected states occupying the middle area of North America in addition to the state of Alaska in the north western section of the continent and the island of Hawaii in the mid-Pacific Ocean. It is a country of extremes comprising remote country lands such as Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah and Texas whilst also containing densely populated areas bursting with modernity and extravagance like New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. The US is also a country of variety suffering all kinds of climatic conditions from tropical to arctic. These different weather conditions combined with a variety of terrains make it possible to have any kind of holiday in the American country. For a laid back beach holiday no place is better than Florida, California and Hawaii which each provide innumerous long beaches of just sand, clear blue waters and the right temperatures to match. For a much desired skiing trip you can choose between mountain ranges in states such as Alaska, Colorado, Utah, Vermont, New Hampshire and even sunny California. The dozens of American canyons, gorges and national parks like those found in Arizona, Utah, Montana, Oregon, California and Hawaii are great for those looking for exciting expeditions and adventurous sports.
Hoping to live the American Dream, people from all over the world have immigrated to the US. For more than 200 years, the search for a better life in the "land of opportunity" or the New World as it is also known has attracted those seeking jobs, freedom from political or economic hardship and overall improved living standards for themselves and their families. Internal migration also occurs whereby many Americans living in rural and sparsely populated areas opt to move to more urbanized and modern cities. America is a hotpot of multiracial societies but the largest number of immigrants originate from Mexico, China, India, the Philippines and countries from all over the Americas continent.
If you've always wanted to visit America, saying it's hard to choose just one place to travel to is an understatement. How do you choose between feasting your eyes on and climbing to the top of the iconic Statue of Liberty in New York or experiencing the beauty of the Grand Canyon in Arizona? How do you pick between having the time of your life in Disney World Florida and visiting the flashy Vegas Strip? Of course it all depends on your own taste but deciding where to go, especially if you're on a budget is certainly no easy task! The fact is America is overflowing with some of the world's most celebrated attractions and landmarks. Others include Times Square, Mount Rushmore, Mall of America, Zion National Park, Cape Cod National Seashore, SeaWorld San Diego and Universal Studios Hollywood. One of the trendiest new things to do whilst in America is the American Roadtrip. A roadtrip, for who is planning a long holiday with a bigger budget is a unique opportunity to hop from state to state meaning you can visit different parts of America during your holiday whilst cramming in as many American attractions as possible.
America is also distinguished as being a country of great athletes. In fact many Americans become involved in sports from an early age. Sporting events play a massive role in American culture in fact with the most popular being baseball, hockey, basketball and American football. Attending events such the professional American football Super Bowl, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association (NBA) and National Hockey League (NHL) is a fantastic way of mingling with the Americans and learning about their culture and comradeship. Beside sporting events, there are hundreds of events that take place throughout the various American states, however some of the most internationally known include Independence Day on the 4th July, the Boston Marathon in mid-April, the Calle Ocho in Miami during March, the Sundance Film Festival in mid or late January and New Year's Eve at Times Square in New York City.
An array of accommodation can be found across the United States - from cheap hotels to the most prestigious and glamorous hotels of the world. There is certainly something for all budgets and tastes. If you know which city you're travelling to in the United States then we can help you find the perfect accommodation to suit you.